Welcome Note

Leather Apex Society of Kenya

Beatrice Mwasi, Kenya Leather Apex

Dear partners and prospective exhibitors,

I take great pleasure in welcoming you to the 2022, East Africa Leather Week (EALW), the leather arm of the East Africa Textiles & Leather Week, that will be taking place in June 2022. 

The EALW is the coming together of Kenya Leather & Leather Products (KILELE) Trade Fair and Premiertex East Africa. As such, it is the largest and most comprehensive leather trade show in East and Central Africa, reflecting the industry’s potential at its most complete manifestation.

The expo offers a unique meeting point for 200 local, regional and international exhibitors and an estimated 3000 attendees. This is an ideal platform for participants to establish new business partnerships across East Africa and to plug into the global leather goods and footwear market that’s valued at US$ 350 Billion.

With raw material abundance, growing demand for leather goods that outweighs supply, and the earmarking of the leather sector by the East African governments as a key sector – leather, leather goods, and footwear, business opportunities abound at EALW for both local and international investors.

Additionally, a number of events of topical interest have been lined up on the sidelines of the expo. These include fashion shows, seminars, panel discussions, training workshops, and field visits, that make EALW a well-incorporated event.

I, therefore, once again take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the upcoming East Africa Leather Week.

Beatrice Mwasi,
Founder/SG – Leather Apex Society of Kenya.